First, you must believe that your product and your company are of high quality.
Second, you must believe that your business opportunity will help people achieve their goals.
It's simple, right? You have to BELIEVE in what you're doing.
Now, you might get by for a while (and make a few dollars in your business) if you don't believe, but it won't last. Eventually your confidence, your motivation, your conscience, your desire will wane and dry up and you'll crash and burn.
It's virtually impossible to succeed if you don't have confidence in what you're representing and how it will help those you present it to. Period.
Lack of Success With Prospects Breeds Unbelief
And, what happens to these beliefs when you run the numbers, put in the windshield time, give the meetings, make the calls, smile and dial, and work work work...and have nothing, or very little, to show for it?
Eventually that little voice starts nagging you...
"Maybe my company isn't as great as I think it is"
"Maybe these products are not as high quality as my sponsor says"
"Maybe my business opportunity isn't all I thought it was"
Why do you start thinking these things? Simple. Because every time you invite someone to take a look at your business, they shoot you down. Not interested. No thanks. I have no time right now. Call back next month. Thanks for coming out but I don't think this is for me.
Rejection breeds doubt.
There's no PROOF that what you're representing is valuable. You start to wonder "How good could it be if only 1 person out every 40 or 1 person out of every 100 is responding?!"
The "market evidence" starts to erode your confidence, your motivation, your desire. Until eventually you're just going through the motions, running the numbers...
And by that point you're dead in the water.
Don't let this happen to you.
There's still hope, if...
Can You Answer These Two Questions "Yes"?
I want you to take a deep breath right now and ask yourself two simple questions...
Do I truly believe my product and my company can help people achieve their goals?
Do I have a good work ethic?
If you can truthfully answer "yes" to both those questions, then Professional Inviter can help you.
Because 90% of the time, the problem is not your product, not your company, and not your work's the system you're using to invite prospects with!
Here are just a few examples of network marketers who worked hard and believed in their product, but weren't able to get results until Professional Inviter....
Michelle used to get 1 or 2 interested prospects out of every 20 people she talked she gets 12 to 15. Listen to her story here.
James Kellet used to get 1 lead per event, now he gets 3 per event. A 200% improvement! Listen to James' story here.
Bruce's sponsor rate has increased 70%. Listen to his testimonial here.
Mack's sponsor rate, also up 70%. Listen to his story here.
Donna was able to help her team achieve a 100% success rate! Yes, every single person her team invited that month became either a customer or a distributor. Her remarkable story is here.
Don't let the "system" you're using to invite destroy your confidence. Get a system that works, a system that will restore your confidence in your your company...and in YOURSELF. James Kellet used to get 1 lead per event, now he gets 3 per event. A 200% improvement! Listen to James' story here.
Bruce's sponsor rate has increased 70%. Listen to his testimonial here.
Mack's sponsor rate, also up 70%. Listen to his story here.
Donna was able to help her team achieve a 100% success rate! Yes, every single person her team invited that month became either a customer or a distributor. Her remarkable story is here.
Don't let the "system" you're using to invite destroy your confidence. Get a system that works, a system that will restore your confidence in your your company...and in YOURSELF.
To Your Prospecting Success,
Lilia Mikhailovski
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