Eventually we blame our bad fortune on our metabolism and shrug our shoulders with regret: “I can’t do nothing, my metabolism is ruined. I do everything I can, but it is too late to change anything.”
Eventually we blame our bad fortune on our metabolism and shrug our shoulders with regret: “I can’t do nothing, my metabolism is ruined. I do everything I can, but it is too late to change anything.”
Let’s figure out where the problem comes from:
The human body consists of 60% water, in more detail:
• 5% blood,
• 15% lymphatic intercellular liquid,
• 40% endocellular liquid and the rest is firm substance
The liquid circulation in our body should provide each one of our 2 billion cells with oxygen and nutrients. In an intercellular liquid all processes required for maintenance of a life take place: exchange of oxygen, water, nutrients, slags, etc., and also reactions of disinfection and protection. Therefore the system of intercellular space is one of the basic systems for regulation of an organism.
This system is in constant and direct contact with every other mechanism in our body and with every single cell, continuously reacting to all external and internal indignations. In intercellular space, just as everywhere else, there are additional infringements on the exchange processes. There is a great possibility for formation of toxins due to accumulation of waste products and poisons. These adjournments interfere with a metabolism, prevent realization of the basic vital signs and block supply and removal. Consequences of this infringement are first of all functional frustration, then damage and, eventually, a degeneration and regeneration of cells in our body.
Therefore, pollution of the internal environment of an organism has direct negative effect on metabolism, and failure in system of the general regulation is the reason for many chronic diseases, such, as: rheumatism of muscles and joints, increased blood content in uric acid and increase content of fats in our skin. Other diseases include atherosclerosis, allergies, susceptibility to infections and even weakening of the protective properties in our body.
Inappropriate diet, food on the go, smoke and fried foods and etc. all pollute our body, negatively affecting our metabolism.
The synthetic food that is subjected to intensive culinary processing, medicine, different types of preservatives, dyes, bleaches, products with agricultural interference and modification, bad air and water - all pollute our body, affecting our metabolism.
What do we receive in result? The body tries to dissolve all these poisonous substances, slags and others to remove them from important body organs. For this purpose it collects and detains water. In result the body becomes friable, bloated, and corpulent. The problem is aggravated even more with chronic constipation, because of which the body has to feed on its own waste.
Here are only a few of the attributes of internal pollution and poisoning:
• excess weight,
• feeling of weariness,
• headaches,
• irritability,
• heartburns,
• nausea,
• depression,
• pains,
• bad memory and the weakened attention,
• insomnia,
• change in menstrual cycle,
• a dirty skin,
• bad appetite,
• tongue colour change,
• bad breath,
• dark circles under the eyes,
• and raised arterial pressure.
Is it possible to put on weight, trying to lose it?
When the person who is significantly overweight starts to eat less, as a rule, he/she loses weight. During the first week, the body loses mostly water (instead of fat) from the body tissue and the process is usually easy and fast. Therefore, it is too early to shout "Yes!" The conflict is that during the next 2-3 weeks, the weight remains constant, despite of a strict diet. The reason is that the body begins to adapt to the reduced food intake and changes its metabolism. Before, when body received excessive amount of food, it only acquired a small part and dispose of the rest. Now, from low-calorie products it becomes necessary to get the same amount of energy from less food, so the metabolism starts to function more economically. On a hungry diet the metabolism can decrease up to 70 %! If the intake remains unchanged or physical load does not increase, it is possible to put on weight, even if we eat less. It is an interesting phenomenon.
How Stabilized ALOE VERA Gel can help you?
What struggles in our body with these problems and how? Everyone already knows that vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates and proteins on their own do not mean much. Only enzymes are capable of operating the most complicated processes of destruction and creation of new substances in the body.
Enzymes represent a basis of existence of any organism, carrying out a metabolism.
It is enzymes that are responsible for removal of the dead cells, slags and poisons. These are necessary catalysts of all vital processes. And if they do not suffice, or they are not active, our body starts to collect waste products, the weight increases and we grow old faster.
Each cell develops its own necessary enzymes, but its ability and supply of enzymes are not endless. The basic supplier of enzymes from the outside is the "real" food - from a garden, a kitchen garden or an ocean. The more we eat natural crude food, the more we facilitate cell work for our body to manufacture enzymes. But if we use cooked, fried, food we kill all existing enzymes, since they perish at temperature of more than 50 degrees Celsius. We then force the cells to develop these enzymes strenuously. We overload the cells: in such conditions they grow old faster and die.
Stabilized Aloe Vera contains a set of all necessary active enzymes capable of cleaning our body and normalizing the metabolism. (See above) The weight loss program offered through the company is based on detoxification, cleansing, treatment and normalization of a metabolism. Losing weight is only a consequence of the previous processes. That is why it is extremely important to observe not only regular everyday intake in the specified mode, but it is absolutely necessary to adhere to a right way of eating so that the cleansing is effective.
If you stopped or even made a one day break - you should restart the program with the first phase. You have to give your body a possibility to work in a uniform mode for normalization of a metabolism.
It is necessary to use more natural enzymes for maintenance of health and body operation. Fruit and vegetable juices, natural yoghurts, pickled cabbage and others pickled vegetables are rich with enzymes.
It is necessary to remember, that at a hungry diet the metabolism can decrease to 70 % and it is necessary to reduce the amount of food intake or to increase physical load. By following through with the Program of Cleansing and Weight Loss there is no need to feel hunger. Just the opposite, you should not feel hungry, so that the metabolism does not slow down. For this purpose you can eat fresh vegetables (cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, garden radish, celery, peas, salads, carrots, apples, etc.) during the day without restrictions!
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