“Within two years I noticed stable growth in my weight, but my usual and proven diets, detoxification days and exercises do not show any results. The only convincing fact is that there are so many overweight people around, even those that are still young. Among friends I always heard that after immigration to Canada, many have gained weight even after continuous reduction in calorie intake. Even if they lose some pounds, after returning to the usual way of eating, they almost immediately gain the excess weigh back and even more.”
Unbelievable results were found by researchers in New York, who proved that there is great correlation between intake of chemical engineered foods and excess weight.
One research has been devoted to the existence of chemicals in fatty tissue and blood of women. Results were stunning: there has been found to be a direct correlation between the amount of organic chlorines in cells and parameters of body weight. In other words, fuller women had greater presence of chemicals in fatty tissue and in blood. Selected women were not working in professions dealing with chemical companies or other dangerous professions. The basic channels through which chemicals got into their body was through food, water and air.
Fatty cells and toxins are interconnected. Most of the diets enable weight loss through loss of water and muscular mass. Fat remains in the body, since toxins are holding on to the fatty cells.
Research has shown that losing weight through use of different diets has negative effects on the body as a whole and causes the loss of a liquid in an organism, reduction of nitrogen, protein and microcells. The body compensates these losses through muscle, since fatty tissue is an "emergency" of an organism; they are used as a last resort. Illusion of losing weight is created, since 1 cubic inch of muscle weighs more that 1 cubic inch of fat. As a result this "lost" weight is very shortly restored. After a diet, our body tries to compensate for the lost weight and since our emergency chamber is fat reserve, it is the first to be replenished. As a result, even if the weight has not increased significantly, the volume has. We have also reversed the process. After an incorrectly balanced diet, our body does not receive some of the vital vitamins, fiber and micro-, macrocells, which are necessary to support our normal existence. Our body receives enormous amounts of stress that conducts to various frustrations of health and irreversible changes.
Through evolution, people have developed a magnificent mechanism regulating its own body weight. The monitoring system built within us to control weight represents the ramified network of various functions of an organism which are responsible for maintenance of ideal weight. The brain supervises appetite; endocrine system is responsible for metabolism, a corresponding level of hormones, burning of fats and a body temperature. Adequate physical load makes these processes active. The majority od experts come to the consent, that the increase in weight is caused by functional infringements in an organism.
It has been established that chemicals possess an ability to injure functional body systems. The most damaged ones always tend to be the ones responsible to weight maintenance. The main systems involved - a brain, hormonal gland and a fatty layer - - are in overwhelming majority submitted to fatty cells.
It is an interesting fact. Canadian Newspapers have printed a short article that all Ministers of Canada were tested for presence of chemical toxic substances in their bodies. The results do not require any further comment: Ministers’ blood revealed to contain 43 toxic chemical substances.
How Stabilized ALOE VERA Gel can help you?
Those that read previous chapters can skip the answer t this question. Those that did not, I urge to continue on reading, but first and foremost to look at the experiments, which show how Aloe Gel neutralizes chlorine and iodine in water.
The same way Aloe Vera operates in our body, neutralizing chemicals that we receive from our food intake - preservatives, dyes, chemical compounds of medicines which forever remain in our system, and also neutralizes our internal slags. Men say that there is no better cure for a hangover, especially if one excessively drank the night before and all the symptoms of alcohol poisoning are revealed on the face in the morning. A couple of glasses of Aloe Gel neutralize alcohol in blood and everything is better.
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