Sunday, December 9, 2012

How do I get more customers?

One of the biggest questions in this business is, "How do I get more customers? Where do I find people who want to buy my product?"

Today I would like to introduce Kim Klaver,my favorite trainer.Her book "Get to 100 Customers in 100 Days'' is a great gift to give yourself before the end of 2012. You can find all the details at

Kim Klaver is a Harvard graduate and 24-year industry veteran. In one of her previous companies, she achieved the highest position in the shortest amount of time in the company's 25-year history. And she did it without hype.
Here's an overview of her talking points:
  • How to find prospects in your warm and cold markets
  • How to overcome the "no time" problem so many of us face
  • How to handle the "too expensive objection"
  • How to get customers started and hooked on autoship
If you're looking for the answers to these common challenges in your network marketing business, check out this video.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

5 Ways to Extend Your Blog Post’s Life

So, you’ve written your blog post.  It was full of useful information, got a fair number of readers and a few comments.  Now it’s yesterday’s news, right?  Wrong.  There are lots of ways to extend the life of a blog post and we’re going to share them with you.
First of all, make sure that your old posts are optimized for Google by checking through them for keywords in your tags, titles, categories and first paragraphs.  If you’ve done this right, people will continue to find your posts literally years after you wrote them.
Have you ever thought of turning a blog post into a video or podcast?  YouTube is a great place to find new readers and some people prefer listing or watching to reading.  You’d needn’t do anything fancy, just talk about the contents of the post, making sure you mention the URL and include it in the end credits too.  If the post is info rich, you could even create a series of videos or podcasts from a single post.
You could email the contents of the post to your mailing list subscribers.  Why create new content every single time you communicate?  You could expand on a post you’ve already written, maybe tailoring it for a specific sub-section of your mailing list, giving them extra tips that are useful just for them. 
With all this content you’ve now generated, you could create a Webinar.  It could be live event, incorporating your podcast or video, or you could prerecord something then use it as in incentive to join your mailing list.  It only needs to be about 30 minutes long, and no longer than 60 minutes. 
Another idea for using your content is to build it into a mini training course that you could use with local businesses or groups.  Or you could use it as the basis for a Twitter chat!  
Don’t think that once you’ve written a blog post, that’s it.  Make the most of your content and share it in as many ways as possible!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

You have to BELIEVE in what you're doing.

I believe that there are two non-negotiable, foundational beliefs that you must have to be successful in network marketing.
First, you must believe that your product and your company are of high quality.
Second, you must believe that your business opportunity will help people achieve their goals.
It's simple, right? You have to BELIEVE in what you're doing.
Now, you might get by for a while (and make a few dollars in your business) if you don't believe, but it won't last. Eventually your confidence, your motivation, your conscience, your desire will wane and dry up and you'll crash and burn.
It's virtually impossible to succeed if you don't have confidence in what you're representing and how it will help those you present it to.

Lack of Success With Prospects Breeds Unbelief
And, what happens to these beliefs when you run the numbers, put in the windshield time, give the meetings, make the calls, smile and dial, and work work work...and have nothing, or very little, to show for it?
Eventually that little voice starts nagging you...
"Maybe my company isn't as great as I think it is"
"Maybe these products are not as high quality as my sponsor says"
"Maybe my business opportunity isn't all I thought it was"
Why do you start thinking these things? Simple. Because every time you invite someone to take a look at your business, they shoot you down. Not interested. No thanks. I have no time right now. Call back next month. Thanks for coming out but I don't think this is for me.

Rejection breeds doubt.
There's no PROOF that what you're representing is valuable. You start to wonder "How good could it be if only 1 person out every 40 or 1 person out of every 100 is responding?!"
The "market evidence" starts to erode your confidence, your motivation, your desire. Until eventually you're just going through the motions, running the numbers...
And by that point you're dead in the water.
Don't let this happen to you.
There's still hope, if...

Can You Answer These Two Questions "Yes"?
I want you to take a deep breath right now and ask yourself two simple questions...
Do I truly believe my product and my company can help people achieve their goals?
Do I have a good work ethic?
If you can truthfully answer "yes" to both those questions, then Professional Inviter can help you.
Because 90% of the time, the problem is not your product, not your company, and not your work's the system you're using to invite prospects with!

Here are just a few examples of network marketers who worked hard and believed in their product, but weren't able to get results until Professional Inviter....
Michelle used to get 1 or 2 interested prospects out of every 20 people she talked she gets 12 to 15. Listen to her story here.
James Kellet used to get 1 lead per event, now he gets 3 per event. A 200% improvement! Listen to James' story here.
Bruce's sponsor rate has increased 70%. Listen to his testimonial here.
Mack's sponsor rate, also up 70%. Listen to his story here.
Donna was able to help her team achieve a 100% success rate! Yes, every single person her team invited that month became either a customer or a distributor. Her remarkable story is here.
Don't let the "system" you're using to invite destroy your confidence. Get a system that works, a system that will restore your confidence in your your company...and in YOURSELF.

To Your Prospecting Success,
Lilia Mikhailovski

Monday, September 10, 2012

What's the biggest obstacle in approaching a stranger for any network marketer?

This week's Kick Start features an interview with marketing director, Rachel Embry. She is a self-described introvert who was once a top network marketing income earner.
According to Rachel, talking to strangers seems to be one of the biggest fears in this business. But she overcame it. And if she can do it, why can't you? Here's how an introvert describes the science behind the fear of talking to strangers.

What's the biggest obstacle in approaching a stranger for any network marketer?

Rachel: I think for most networkers, there are 2 big obstacles that stop them from easily approaching a stranger. The first is lack of belief.

I'm going to explain how this "looks" by telling you a story.
When I was actively recruiting, the system I followed was to quickly get a distributor trained and then get him/her on the phone to invite people to take a look at the opportunity. This is a common system and many network marketers follow it.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Do you like Networking? 3 Ways to Get Over It

Here's how to make networking work for you--and your business.

Networking is at the top of the list of things that make me the most uncomfortable.
Most people who know me are surprised to learn this, because I am a consummate extrovert, but, in truth, I find it daunting to talk to people I have never met, and I hate pretending to be interested in people who are clearly networking to social climb. In the past two years, however, networking has become a very important part of how I grow my business.
Consider these three ideas to take the discomfort out of networking and use it to create real value for your business:

Listening is the best way to start a conversation.
Most people think about networking from the perspective of what they are going to say. Instead, think about networking in terms of what someone else might have to say to you. Last week, I was at an event with other business owners, and a woman mentioned a new sales manager who had just joined her team. Rather than bringing up my own recent hiring challenges (which happened to be at the top of my worry list), I asked her how long it had taken her to find the new recruit, and when she confirmed that the process had been long, I asked what resources she had found most helpful in her search. She gave me several ideas I had never even thought of, let alone tried.

Honesty begets honesty.
Networking tends to bring out the braggarts, the people for whom everything is going just great: stellar sales, smooth cash flow, and growth potential to last a lifetime. We can all spin our stories to sell the audience on how great our businesses are, and doing so is sometimes a great survival skill. However, I find that ditching the PR pitch and honestly talking about my challenges has saved my business more than once. About a year ago, at a networking event, I had a powerful conversation with a business owner I had just met about some financing issues I was having, and it's a damn good thing I did. He gave me excellent tips on how to assess the potential peril my business was in, and several specific ways to reverse the problem. Had I kept quiet about my woes, I would have missed a valuable learning opportunity.

Everyone has something interesting to impart.
Networking makes people nervous, because they worry they may be thrown together with people with whom they have nothing in common. In my experience, the people who are the most different from me are also the most likely to teach me something valuable. Stepping outside of your circle is one of the most effective ways to begin thinking outside your box--and networking is the perfect chance to get access to a bevvy of different types of thinkers, all in one location. At an entrepreneurs breakfast earlier this year, I sat at a table with no one I knew. I gave myself the assignment to learn about each person's business, and in the process, I discovered--from a leadership researcher!--a print-on-demand method I could use to make T-shirts to promote my brand. I also found out from the owner of a consulting business about a website-creation tool that would let me sketch out how I want my site to be reorganized. And, just by chance, I wound up talking to an IT guy who tipped me off to an alternative resource for searching for new suppliers, and they proved to be more effective than the one I had been using. None of these people are in my industry, nor did their products overlap with mine, yet they each told me about something I could use.
So think again before you consider skipping a networking opportunity or contemplate hiding out by the buffet table. Networking can make the entrepreneurial journey less lonely, provide you with great nuggets of advice, and force you to do something outside your comfort zone--all of which are fundamental to growing your business.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dealing with Social Media

Dealing with the Social Media Imposed Discouragement

One of our readers said recently, "My single biggest problem is social media. I don't feel as enthused about my week and my weekly paycheck while others are blasting their success across Facebook and Twitter. I feel discouraged by reading their excitement."

Here's a kick start in dealing with the social media excitement of others.
Social media puts everyone on the same playing field. It gives us all a chance to toot our own horns so to speak.

What's Behind the Discouragement?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

How You Can Get Leads on Linkedln

If you’re not yet active in social media platforms, you’re missing out on potential opportunities and business. From Twitter to Facebook and all points in between, social media is essential to getting your brand out there.
With LinkedIn, a networking site for professionals, you can easily connect with like-minded people in your field. You can also be connected to prospects that may need your products or services. If you are new to the social media field, read on to learn about how to present yourself on this network.

Monday, August 13, 2012

What does one new downline member cost you? Here's how to calculate it in 5 steps...

I have a very serious question for you today. It's a question that gets right at the heart of how successful your network marketing business is ... and can become.

It's a question that every business needs to be able to answer.
But it's a question most cannot.
Here's the question: What does it cost you to obtain one new customer?

Or in the case of network marketers...
What does it cost you to add one new team member to your downline?

Most network marketers don't know the answer to this question.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

10 Tips to Help to Make Networking Work For You

Last week I posted a story about networking on LinkedIn that surprisingly got a lot of attention because it focused on an idea that is often overlooked by many networkers and that is ‘mutual benefit’.
As I suggested, networking is not marketing, sales, or a numbers game.  It’s a relationship game where the objective is to help others get what they want before what you want.
So what is networking?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Powerful Internet Marketing Secrets

6 Powerful Internet Marketing Secrets that Most Network Marketers Completely Ignore...

Earlier this year we hosted a sold-out webinar with Jackie Ulmer, the network marketer genius who "cracked the code" on using the internet to build her downline. Jackie let us in on some of her most powerful (and mostly ignored) internet marketing secrets.
If you're serious about getting more qualified leads in the next 6 months than you've gotten in the last 6 years, AND you want to use the internet to do it, then this 120 minute recorded webinar of power-packed information, is for you.

1. The Power of Overcoming Objections. Most network marketers skip one of the most powerful abilities of the internet: to overcome common objections BEFORE you meet with a prospect. What are the3 most common objections you hear? Jackie will show you how to eliminate them...without having to speak a word or argue with a prospect again!
2. The Power of Personality. Do you lead with your company? Your product? Your opportunity? Big mistake! People buy YOU first. Jackie will show you how to use the internet to lead with the only asset the competition can't duplicate: YOU!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

To Increase Revenue Stream in Your Business

How to get your customers, how to increase your sales, what to do if people around you reject you or just ignore your business, how to approach people and offer business opportunity or tell them about products or services you providing - so many questions come out and sometimes we don't know what to do and how handle all those objections. You are not along, so many people have the same questions and only way to overcome problem - look for solution, develop your personal skills, attitude, learn from successful people and never give up.
In any business most important things - creating trusted relationship, help to find solution to problem and add value. I believe, this is the key to success.Few days ago I red article from FORBS "To Increase Revenue Stop Selling" which give me a lot tips for my business and of course I would like to share with you. Here is reproduction of article. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Practical advice for business owners

Zeroing in On What Your Brand is Best At

Early on, I took on just about every project that was offered to my marketing company. Sometimes there were projects I really wasn’t qualified to take on, and I paid the price in the time it took to get them done (and with the less-than-satisfied customers). I was just desperate to get a foothold, and to pay my bills.
Fast forward nearly six years after I founded Egg. I know how to say no. I know how to turn down the projects that I can’t excel at, and I do so regularly. What shifted for me?

Step 1: Identify What You’re Good At
I started paying attention to the projects I got done quickly. The ones I could turn out stellar work on, and deliver before the deadline. Turns out, these were the ones I enjoyed the best. I wanted more of them. But when I was still being dragged down with projects I didn’t enjoy, all for the sake of money, there was no way I could focus on taking more of what I was good at.
Think about your line of products or services. Some realize better profits, take less time to complete and are more fun to work with. These are the ones you want to zero in on.
Step 2: Admit What’s Dragging You Down
On the converse, I had to take a look at those projects that I dreaded doing. I had to admit that saying yes to everything wasn’t beneficial for the growth of my company. I began to look at the industries I received leads from, and identified the ones I didn’t feel qualified to deliver stellar results in. I looked at types of services that took too long to complete. I mentally made a list of what I didn’t want to do more of. And the next time a lead came in that was on this list, I politely turned them down.
It can be scary to turn down business, especially when you’re not making a lot of money. But as soon as you do, you start to attract more of the types of customers you really want more of.
Step 3: Keep Focused
As any small business owner knows, it can be scary to swing from project to project. You may not know what’s around the corner financially, and that can make you more inclined to take on work that you shouldn’t. But trust me; I speak from experience. It’s best to get really good at the handful of things you enjoy working on and let someone else handle the rest. The added perk is that you beef up your experience in this field, and start getting word-of-mouth referrals for your great work!
Now…what will you let go of?
Susan Payton is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, an internet marketing firm specializing in marketing communications, copywriting and blog posts. She’s written two books: 101 Entrepreneur Tips and Internet Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs, and has blogged for several sites, including The Marketing Eggspert Blog, as well as MashableSmall Business TrendsFutureSimple, and Lead411. Follow her on Twitter @eggmarketing.

Sunday, May 6, 2012



If you are looking for a stimulus that will change the course of your life by accelerating your progress and setting you up to succeed in which ever sector you wish to lead
Just to expand on the post and clarify the purpose of the program: 
The 30 Days Business Challenge is for ladies who are building a business online and looking to take this to the next level. If you’ve got a strong message to deliver – a purpose that drives you beyond your own self then this is the ideal opportunity for you to step out of your own way and achieve success by vlogging each day.

Become part of something bigger than yourself by joining like-minded ladies in a marketing consortium with a difference. This 30 Day Business challenge is a video blogging challenge. If you’re currently pushing past your fear of the camera lenses then come and gain confidence in this community. By posting a video every day, you’ll soon start to see your growth accelerate the action-orientated way.

This is for ladies looking to learn on the job; how to rank higher on Google, how to build loyal and lasting customer relationships, how to reach a wider audience and how to refine your message to match what the market really wants to know. You’ll notice the results as we go.

Join the challenge and be part of the next show – this is a proven way to see your business grow!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

BE FREE FOREVER With Forever Living Products

This is wonderful example for the business mind people. Join the company, get the profit. Product is helping to stay in good health. Get your first 15% off by using our ID # 200002292244 or VISIT 


Saturday, March 3, 2012

E-MAIL MARKETING - key to keep in touch with your clients

Staying in touch with your clients via e-mail is a required skills in the modern world of online marketing. One of the best things about the Internet is that you can send newsletters by e-mail basically for FREE.
My number one recommendation for new e-business owners is to start collecting e-mail addresses from your audience as soon as you can.
I believe that email addresses are worth this effort. Email marketing is the most cost-effective way to keep in touch with your customers. It is also the most effective way to retain those customers or visitors who already expressed interest in your site and services or products. Although they may not have made a purchase on their first visit, if you can get an email address, then you can keep in touch with them until they do.
Collecting Email Addresses
The easiest and cheapest way to collect email addresses is to add a simple “mailto” link to your website. Then write copy for the site that encourages people to email you with their  email addresses so you can build a list of these potential customers.
Email Newsletter Management Services
Even though you can manage a list of email addresses and send out mass mailings to them yourself, once your list grows, you will want to consider acquiring your own mailing list management software or engaging an application service provider (ASP) offering services in this area. These services basically act as a database for your list of email addresses. They manage as well other information that you collect about your audience, such as names, street addresses, gender, zip codes, etc.
Email Management Recommendation
Although there are many email management companies trying to compete for your business, my top choice for email management services is  CONTSTANT CONTACT. This ASP company provides the easiest-to-use website and the best looking templates that I have seen so far. Constant Contact also offer FREE TRIALS to start.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


The following is a guest post by Rob Walling.  Rob Walling has been an entrepreneur for most of his life and is author of the book Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer's Guide to Launching a Startup.  He also authors the top 20 startup blog Software By Rob, that's read by tens of thousands of startup entrepreneurs every month and he owns the leading ASP.NET invoicing software on the market in addition to a handful of profitable web properties.
Imagine that you've just completed version 1 of your product and you're preparing for launch. You’ve greased the wheels with a few bloggers, targeted some keywords with SEO, created a bit of linkbait, and scheduled the press release to launch in the morning. At this point your co-founder turns to you and says: “What are we going to do with the $300 we have stashed away for advertising?” Consider this your lucky day. The goal of this article is to provide you with the core of what you need to know about cheap startup advertising as quickly as possible, so you can start spending that ad budget wisely. Let's get started.

Two Key Advertising Strategies

The half-life of advertising traffic is zero. This means that the moment you stop shelling out cash, the traffic stops. The problem is that with typical conversion rates of 1-2% you're paying for 98 or 99 out of every 100 people to walk away and never come back to your site. To combat this inherent wastefulness of advertising, I have two key strategies I recommend no matter which method of advertising you use.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to get more clients through mailing list?

Email List Management

This is very important to develop mailing list and attract clients with new updates in your business. It allows you to get even more interesting prospects. Just think about it...and imagine how many people might be involved in your business!!!
What's the best email list for your business or organization? A permission-based one. That means everyone on it said it's okay for you to contact them. It's better than an email list you buy or rent, because you already know the people on your email list want to hear from you and are interested in you. It doesn't cost you anything to build one. Email Marketing helps you start your email list — and keep it growing, too.

Start and grow your email lists

Start Your Email Marketing Mailing List1
  • Add our Join My Mailing List button to your website and your Facebook profile or fan page2 to collect visitors' email addresses
  • Use our sign-up form or guest book to collect email addresses at your place of business
  • Add our Forward-to-a-Friend link in your email campaigns or on your Facebook page to reach new people
  • Our SafeSubscribeTM and SafeUnsubscribeTM features increase new signups. Contacts can easily unsubscribe if they change their minds.

Import your existing email lists

Manage Your Email Marketing Mailing Lists3
  • Type or copy and paste your email addresses into your Constant Contact database
  • Easily import your permission-based file: Excel (.xls), comma separated value (.csv), or text (.txt)
  • Import effortlessly from Google/Gmail contacts, Microsoft Outlook®, Outlook Express®, QuickBooks® by Intuit4, Salesforce.com5 or ACT!® by Sage®
  • Add contacts from wherever you are — from your PC or Mac6, Facebook7, or using QuickView8 on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Group your contacts into targeted email lists for powerful results

Merge Email Marketing Mailing Lists9
  • Segment based on interest or shared characteristics like location or birth month
  • Combine multiple email lists into a new, single email list when you need one big mailing. We'll make sure people on multiple lists only get one message
  • Sort your contact lists to segment and browse contacts more easily.

Keep your email list up-to-date and reliable

  • Access and update your contact database from any computer, anytime
  • Our SafeUnsubscribe form asks contacts why they leave, so you can make changes to improve retention
  • Let contacts choose which email communications they want to receive

Build your email lists of loyal customers!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sarah Brightman - Winter Light

Life is so beautiful and this is gift for everyone...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Get Customers Using Facebook

Having a solid base of product customers can increase your residual checks each month (building reliable long term income) PLUS more customers can also lessen the weight on you as an individual to meet product quotas each month.

That means you can earn more and save more all at the same time.
That's just good business.

But How Do You Find Potential Customers?

As I was clicking around on Facebook today, catching up on the latest news from friends, a thought occurred to me: "If I wanted to get some new customers on Facebook, how would I personally go about it?"

The resulting answer is the topic of today's blog post!

Here's 3 quick and easy ways I'd go about finding new customers on Facebook:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What Stopping You From Business Success?

What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Are you dreaming about starting a business or expanding on a business you already own? Perhaps you’ve been fantasizing about selling that jewellery you’ve been making in your basement for years or turning your knack for finding a place for every teapot and golf ball into a home organizing business. Or maybe you’d like to take that online Etsy shop offline and open a neighbourhood store?